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Last Name Beginning with W

  • Adam Waickman, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Research Interests:

    我的小组致力于了解感染性有机体与人体免疫系统之间的相互作用如何导致发病机制和/或持久免疫. 我们的工作主要集中在病毒病原体上, 并利用单细胞RNA测序等“下一代”技术, multi-parametric flow cytometry, and computational modeling.

  • Dongliang Wang, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Research Interests:

    Clinical trials, biomarker evaluation, diagnostic test evaluation, statistical genetics, nonparametric statistics, biostatistics.

  • Guirong Wang, PhD
    Research Interests:

    Innate immunology; host defense; inflammatory regulation; Surfactant Protein expression, regulation and function; humanized transgenic mice;  Bacterial and SARS-CoV-2 induced pneumonia and sepsis; acute lung injury and ARDS; lung stem cell and differentiation; PM2.5 induced pulmonary disease 

  • Robert Weber, MD
    Professor and Chair
    Research Interests:

    用肌电图评估压迫性神经和脊柱病变, 以及残疾的结果和预防干预措施.

  • Cynthia Weickert, PhD
    Research Interests:

    我的研究方向是精神疾病的神经生物学,重点是精神分裂症. 我的研究还涉及灵长类神经发生项目, Neuroinflammation, 和人类大脑分子发育.

  • Thomas Weickert, PhD
    Sr. Research Scientist
    Research Interests:


  • Leonard Weiner, MD
    Distinguished Service Professor
    Research Interests:

    侧重于儿科和青少年疫苗试验的临床研究, 儿童呼吸道病毒感染的抗病毒治疗试验和流行病学研究.

  • Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD
    Distinguished Service Professor
    Research Interests:

    Diabetes and its complications, lipid disorders, obesity, metabolism, 代谢性骨骼疾病,包括骨质疏松症

  • Erin Wentz, PT, PhD, PCS
    Associate Professor
  • Stephan Wilkens, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Research Interests:


  • Joel Wilmore, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Research Interests:


  • Gary Winslow, PhD
    Research Professor Emeritus
    Research Interests:


  • Richard JH Wojcikiewicz, PhD
    Professor and Chair
    Research Interests:


  • Susan Wojcik, PhD, ATC
    Associate Professor
    Research Interests:

    Occupational injury prevention; Sports and recreational injury prevention; Biomechanics research; Injury rehabilitation research

  • Andrij Wojtowycz, MD, FACR, FSAR
    Research Interests:


  • Martha Wojtowycz, PhD
    Associate Professor
    Research Interests:


  • L Thomas Wolff, MD
    Distinguished Teaching Professor
    Research Interests:


  • Ma-Li Wong, MD, PhD
    Distinguished Professor
    Research Interests:

    The long-term goals of Dr. Wong的研究是开发一个跨越实验室和临床的转化研究项目,以了解分子, 神经精神和神经退行性疾病的细胞和电路基础, 尤其是那些伴有代谢紊乱的患者. 2型糖尿病和肥胖引起的其他代谢后果与抑郁症的高发率有关, anxiety and dementia. The ongoing focus on Dr. Wong的实验室包括:重性抑郁症中新型生物标志物的表征以及抑郁症中特定基因或途径的作用, 包括炎性体信号, epigenetic markers, alternative splicing, and the gut microbiome.

    We have 4 current projects: 

    1) To determine the specific role(s) of PHF21B (plant homeodomain finger protein 21B) in neuronal function relevant to social recognition impairment; this is relevant because social cognitive impairments are a central feature of several neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, neurodevelopmental (e.g., 自闭症谱系和注意缺陷多动障碍)条件, 也会发生在创伤性脑损伤和中风后的急性脑损伤后.

    2) A 创新的研究路线集中在研究慢性应激中神经炎症和血清素信号之间的界面.

    3) A 主要研究前mrna剪接在慢性应激病理生理中的作用.


  • Mark Woodford, PhD
    Assistant Professor
    Research Interests:

    热休克蛋白(Hsps)是分子伴侣蛋白的一个子集,在所有亚细胞区室中都具有组成性和应激反应. Hsp90伴侣蛋白TRAP1主要定位于线粒体,控制细胞代谢重编程和线粒体凋亡. TRAP1上调通过促进糖酵解代谢和拮抗细胞死亡前的线粒体通透性转变,促进许多癌症的生长和进展. 在肿瘤细胞模型中,TRAP1的衰减或抑制可诱导细胞凋亡, 发现TRAP1是癌症的潜在治疗靶点.

  • Charles Woods, MD
    Associate Professor
    Research Interests:

     hearing loss, intracranial hypertension, Menieres disease; Study of the Brainstem Auditory Efferent Pathways Anatomy and Physiology

  • Jonathan Wright, MD
    Clinical Professor
    Research Interests:

    Gastrointestinal malignancies
